
Dermaplaning is a popular procedure often performed in spas or medical offices to remove “peach fuzz” and dead skin. But, what are the benefits and can you do it from home? 

What is Dermaplaning Exactly?
Some would argue that Dermaplaning is nothing more than a fancy word for shaving. This couldn’t be further than the truth. Yes, Dermaplaning is performed by using a small blade to remove vellus hair from the face, however, it is doing a lot more than that. A small, sharp blade is carefully pulled across the skin's surface to deeply exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin cells, hair, dirt, and debri. 

Benefits of Dermaplaning
Dermaplaning is highly beneficial when done correctly. It can increase the rate of cellular turnover, improve skin texture, brighten complexion and more. Because the skin's surface is so smooth and is free from any debri after the treatment, it is able to effectively absorb any product and creates a clean surface for smooth makeup application. 


Where Can You Do It & How?
You can do it from the comfort of your own home. Make sure you have the proper tools and equipment. You first need to prep the skin, making sure your face is completely clean. Making sure you prep the skin correctly will help avoid any bacteria getting into your newly exposed and exfoliated pores. Prep the skin by using a gentle cleanser followed by a toner. Now that the skin is prepped; hold the skin taut using one hand, with the other, hold the blade at a 45 degree angle, starting at the hairline gently begin sweeping it toward your nose. Repeat in counter clockwise motion until you’ve completed the entire face. Make note to avoid the lips, eyes, eyebrows and nose.

Once you are finished, you will want to use a gentle cleanser to remove any residue and proceed to apply skin care products as normal. Don’t skip the SPF! You should never skip the sunscreen anyways, but especially after a deep exfoliation like this. Your skin will be a bit more sensitive than normal, you’ll want to avoid sun exposure for a day or two after. You can repeat this process every four to six weeks! 

Dermaplaning is an inexpensive treatment that you can do from home to keep your skin looking healthy and fresh.


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