PRP - Liquid Gold For Your Skin

PRP is Platelet-Rich Plasma, in other words, using the plasma from your own blood to rejuvenate your tissue. One of the most popular procedures that uses PRP is what's known as a vampire facial.

Vampire Facials are quickly captivating the attention of many throughout the industry because of their unique anti-aging benefits. 

What is it?

PRP is commonly used to support the healing of wounds, joint and muscle injuries, scars and more. However, in recent years PRP has been used as an anti-aging treatment and as a great way to treat hair loss. It is known to help naturally repair fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are dermal cells responsible for collagen and elastin production and are crucial for repairing soft tissue.

As we age, our fibroblasts begin to decrease their ability to function. Because our own plasma contains so many growth factors that help repair those Fibroblasts, performing a PRP Treatment on the face can significantly decrease the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and can even plump the skin.  

How is it done? 

There are a few ways that this service can be performed. In some offices, they will draw a small vial of blood, spin it with a centrifuge to separate the platelet rich plasma from the white and red blood cells and then the PRP is directly injected, like someone would with a regular dermal filler. In fact, some professionals use dermal fillers in conjunction with the platelets in order to produce more immediate results. When treating hair loss, they would inject the PRP directly into the area(s) of concern.

Many professionals use the PRP as a topical serum proceeding a micro-needling treatment. This greatly enhances the PRP’s ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. 

Results - What to expect. 

If you choose the PRP injection treatment, either for the face or the scalp, you can expect the total down time to be about 24-48 hours with some swelling and tenderness at the injection site. When receiving treatment for hair loss, it can take up to six months before you start seeing results when getting one treatment every month for three months.

To have consistent results, people will normally have to return for a treatment once every twelve months. With the PRP injection treatment, it is typical for someone to not see results for one to two months while getting a total of three treatments over the course of three months.

Results can last up to two years.  If you choose to have a micro-needling service with PRP, then you can expect the downtime to be 4-5 days with some redness, swelling and tenderness over the entire treated area. Results can last up to two years. After receiving PRP it is important to limit sun exposure and making sure to always be wearing a broad spectrum SPF. 

Who can receive a Vampire Facial? 

Just about anyone can receive a PRP Treatment. Those who are showing signs of aging, are healthy and refrain from smoking and drinking are going to see the best results.

There are few risks to receiving a PRP Treatment. However, those who suffer from eczema, bleeding disorders, are in current anticoagulation therapy, or those who are pregnant may not be good candidates to receive a PRP Treatment. It is best to seek out a licensed professional who has experience in PRP Treatments and can answer and questions or concerns that you may have. 

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