There are so many anti-aging treatments on the market, it’s hard to know which ones are worth trying. Is a Photofacial for you? 

What is a Photofacial? A Photofacial is also known as IPL (intense pulsed light), LED (light emitting diode) and Photorejuvenation. It works by using light to treat wrinkles, fine lines, sun damage, scars, hyperpigmentation and rosacea. 

The goal is to help stimulate collagen and elastin production. As we age, our skin naturally gets thinner and weaker. When using IPL, you’re able to target those deeper layers of the skin and begin to repair cellular damage caused by aging. As light penetrates the skin, it is intentionally targeting and damaging the melanin and hemoglobin (red blood cells). When melanin is damaged, it is  broken up and then is absorbed. This reduces the appearance of pigmentation on the surface of the skin. When the light targets the hemoglobin, it stimulates blood flow, making it easier for the melanin to be absorbed. The increase of blood flow also helps to stimulate collagen and elastin production, as well as increase the cellular turnover rate, this firms the skin, decreasing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Any treatment has pros and cons. As for the pros, results can be seen 2-4 treatments, every 4 weeks. It can be performed anywhere on the body and can have long lasting results! Cons would include being unable to be in the direct sun for several weeks after treatment, it’s not recommended for those with tanned or darker skin tones as it’s not very effective. 

After the treatment is performed, it is normal to have some mild  swelling and redness. This will only last 24-48 hours. This is a treatment that is great for anyone looking to reduce signs of aging. There aren’t many people with certain health conditions  who wouldn’t be able to receive this treatment. But, just like with any treatment, make sure you are seen by a licensed professional who is able to answer any questions you may have. 

One of the popular benefits to Photofacials is that if you choose to stop treatments, you will not reverse the effects of the facial. 

Photofacials are a great anti-aging treatment option for those looking to reduce pigmentation and other signs of aging. 


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