What is hyaluronic acid?

Naturally occurring in your body, hyaluronic acid is an ingredient that is found practically everywhere in not only skincare but in various makeup products as well. Tough enough to hold 1000x its weight, hyaluronic acid has the capability to attract and lock moisture into the skin cells leaving skin looking visibly hydrated and plump. If you’d like to imagine just how impressive hyaluronic acid is in hydrating the skin, just imagine that as little as 1 gram of this potent acid is capable of holding as much as 6 liters of water. Found with the largest amounts in the eyes, connective tissues and the skin, with the use of hyaluronic acid (also known as hyaluronan) tissues become properly lubricated.

How does aging skin benefit from hyaluronic acid?

The way hyaluronic acid works is fairly simple to understand when it comes to the benefits it provides for slowing down signs of aging. Although hyaluronic acid helps with minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles,  it also moisturizes and smoothes out the texture of the skin. When this humectant retains moisture and provides added plumpness, it helps to give the appearance of a more youthful look as fine lines and wrinkles appear not as noticeable and ‘filled in’. Dryness creates the look of dull and droopy skin due to the lack of moisture, but when skin is provided with the hydration it needs, that plumpness leaves the skin appearing youthful with the look of more collagen and better elasticity.

Why is it important to take hyaluronic supplements?

The amount of hyaluronic acid decreases due to the natural aging process, environmental factors such as pollution, and too much sun exposure causing ultraviolet ray damage. With the continuous use of supplements you’re helping prevent such a decline by helping replace some of what has already been lost. When supplementing hyaluronan, you’re providing your skin with a more supple and plump look due to the hydration it’s providing. There are various ways a person can supplement hyaluronic acid and it’s not just in topical products, but in several others.

Types of hyaluronic acid supplements:

  1. Injections

  2. Drops

  3. Serums

  4. Foods (ie: leafy greens, soy, bone broth and even potatoes)

With the different ways available to supplement your skin with the needed hyaluronan, it allows a way for everyone to benefit finding what’s right for them..

When used regularly incorporated in a daily skincare regimen, as well as with a healthy diet and an active, and healthy lifestyle, skin will benefit the most, leaving you with optimal results with the use of hyaluronic acid. Prior to incorporating any new supplements into your diet it’s suggested to speak to your physician before beginning.




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