Have you been feeling sluggish, in a fog, tired and unhealthy? You might need to detox your body, clean out the built up toxins and unhealthy cells floating around inside of you. Feeling bloated, heavy, groggy, foggy headed and tired can all be signs of needing a detox. Watch this video to see if detoxing is for you.

Other Signs You Could Benefit From an Internal Cleansing Detox:

  1. Fuzzy Thinking - Are you feeling foggy headed and your decision making sluggish?

  2. Difficulty Losing Weight - Do you have difficulty losing weight even when sticking to a new diet? Is it difficulty to control hunger and eat healthy? Do you not crave healthy foods?

  3. Feeling Unrested - Even after a full nights sleep, do you still feel tired and sluggish?

  4. Tired - Are you tired throughout the day?

  5. Digestive Issues - Do you have digestive issues? Bloating, cramping, diarrhea or constipation?

  6. Skin Problems - Do you have dull skin, dry skin, rashes or acne?

  7. Aches & Pains - Are you getting headaches, backaches? Unexplainable aches in joints or other areas of the body?

Doing an internal detox cleanse could be just the thing you need to clear out toxins, bad bacteria and other causes of these issues.

8. Chronic Fatigue: Do you experience persistent and overwhelming fatigue that does not improve with rest or sleep? Chronic fatigue can be a sign of accumulated toxins in the body that may be affecting energy levels.

9. Mood Swings and Irritability: Are you frequently experiencing mood swings, irritability, or sudden shifts in emotions? Toxins can have an impact on neurotransmitter balance and contribute to mood imbalances.

10. Allergies and Sensitivities: Do you have an increased sensitivity to certain foods, environmental allergens, or chemicals? Excessive toxin accumulation in the body can burden the immune system and lead to heightened allergic responses.

11. Bad Breath or Body Odor: Do you struggle with persistent bad breath or noticeable body odor, even with good oral hygiene and personal care? Toxins in the body can be released through breath and sweat, resulting in unpleasant odors.

12. Poor Concentration and Memory: Are you experiencing difficulties with focus, concentration, or memory retention? Toxins can affect cognitive function and impair mental clarity.

13. Hormonal Imbalances: Are you experiencing irregular menstrual cycles, PMS symptoms, or other hormonal imbalances? Toxins can disrupt hormonal pathways and contribute to imbalances in the body.

14. Weakened Immune System: Do you frequently catch colds, infections, or experience a prolonged recovery time? Toxins can weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to illnesses and impairing the body's ability to fight off infections.

A good detox cleanse can help with:

  1. Identifing Food Sensitivities - By eliminating certain foods, once your detox is over, you can add different foods back into your diet in stages. This will help identify problem foods or foods that are causing digestive issues or potential allergic reactions.

  2. Giving Your Organs a Rest - By fasting or reducing your food intake, you give your organs a rest and allow them to do cell repair and excrete toxins.

  3. Weight Loss - The reduction in calories will likely lead to a jumpstart on your weight loss plan.

  4. A Stronger Immune System - Cutting out junk food, feeding in vitamins and allowing your internal organs to heal can lead to a much stronger immune system.

  5. Better Skin - Good internal health leads to clearer, healthier and glowing skin.

  6. Mental Clarity - Internal health will lead to greater mental clarity.

  7. Better Emotional Health - Balance your emotions better when you are thinking clearer and feel good.

  8. More Energy - Feeling healthy will lead to more energy to exercise and do daily tasks.


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