A form of B-3 which is an important role in the biological process, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, more popularly known as NAD+ plays a part in a person’s overall health and the look and feel of their skin. As a person ages, the amount of NAD+ levels decline, making those needing to boost this form of B-3 their risk of chronic diseases, diabetes and other serious health issues increased. With a low amount of NAD+, a person is also causing damage to their skin as well as prematurely aging.

What are the key roles NAD+ plays in the body?

Keeps a person looking and feeling young and vibrant
Repairs damaged dna
Supports cell defense systems
Converts food into energy
Links metabolism and signaling in cells

What can a person do to naturally increase their NAD+ levels?

These techniques are simple to follow in order to improve a person’s overall health and improved metabolism.

Begin taking oral supplements.

A simple and affordable way to increase levels especially when combined with exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

Regular exercise.

Not only does regular exercise keep the mind and body strong but it also helps increase the amount of DNA rebuilding proteins that will improve your health but also slow down the aging process.

Changes to your diet.

Simply adding 2 glasses of dairy milk into your diet, you’re boosting the levels of NAD+ in the body. Limiting the amount of flour, breads, and rice, and replacing them with healthier options that are less processed as well as fermented foods and beverages containing NAD+ and other healthy nutrients you’re increasing those low levels.

Limit UV rays.

Avoiding the sun’s UV rays, you’re slowing down premature aging and increasing the risk of skin cancers caused from direct sunlight. When it comes to NAD+, you’re lowering the amount as it’s being used in repairing the harmful cell damage caused by those UV rays.

Practice intermittent fasting.

The act of intermittent fasting a couple times a week does more than help a person lose and even  maintain their weight, it also has many other health benefits including reducing insulin resistance, lowering the risk of diabetes as well as boosting the body’s natural NAD+ supply.

How can you benefit from IV NAD+ and multivitamin therapy?

Directly delivered into a person’s bloodstream through intravenous infusion (an IV), it helps to repair the body’s cells as well as helps the digestive system for better absorption. Due to the ability to customize the treatment to base it on your personalized needs, the price can be quite costly.

There are many ways to increase the amount of NAD+ to your body and there is something for everyone whether by oral supplements, iv therapy, multivitamins, NAD+ boosting foods and even protein powders containing this ingredient. Before most importantly before beginning, seek the approval from your doctor.


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