You may know by now that collagen breakdown in the skin is one of the main reasons skin loses it's tightness and elasticity. Loss of collagen in the skin leads to thinning skin, wrinkles, sagging skin, jowls, neck bands showing many other skin aging symptoms.

Where is Collagen Found?
The most abundant type of protein in the body, collagen is found in many areas including the tendons, muscles, skin and bones. With collagen your bones are strengthened and your skin’s structure is improved. With many types of collagen available, there are four important types you may want to know.

The four main types of collagen in the body and their job:
I. This is 90% of the collagen in your body providing structure.
II. Used to cushion your joints and is found in elastic cartilage.
III. Helps to support the body’s organs, muscles,arteries and their structures.
IV. Found in various layers in the skin which helps in the improvement of filtration.

Collagen breaks down as you age
Along with many other side effects of aging, as a person gets older the amount of collagen begins to break down as much as 50% of the body’s levels by the age of 60. The decline in the production of collagen starts at about 25 years old and once a person is in menopause, their levels have really broken down. Another important cause of the depletion is spending too much time in the sun which will rapidly break down the body's collagen due to the effects of UV rays.

Ways to build up some of the collagen lost
This important protein although depletes through the years, there are several ways you may be able to improve the amount your body has been left with.
Red light therapy may boost collagen levels with regular use.

  1. Red Light Therapy- An effective and safe treatment that is quick and easy with no recovery time needed. This LED treatment helps in protecting the existing collagen from breaking down and may also help with creating new collagen. The most noticeable results are seen between the 8th and 12 week period with the first four weeks receiving treatment for 15 minutes as much as 3 to 5 times a week.

  2. Eat a Diet Rich in Protein, or Even Better, Collagen
    Although the benefits of drinking collagen powder is still up for debate. There is evidence though that consuming collagen may increase the amount of collagen the body makes. It certainly can't hurt. One of the best ways to ingest it is through bone broth. Your body has to break down the collagen to its basic parts to make collagen again but there is a good chance it still helps.

    There are a couple types of powdered collagen supplements that can be added in a smoothie, in coffee, stirred in yogurt or in your oatmeal which are several popular ways to disguise it. Typically collagen powder is created through bone broth which is convenient for many, but not for those living a vegan lifestyle. For vegans there is plant based collagen powder that can also help them benefit from adding collagen into their routine. Those that prefer to simplify the process of adding collagen into their daily lives, many choose to take this protein in capsule form.

    With little to no side effects, collagen supplements are a safe way to help slow down the breakdown of collagen being lost. Some people complain of nausea, heartburn and a full feeling, but it’s highly suggested to see your physician before adding any new supplements into your diet. Once a person hits 25, they should begin collagen supplements to take preventative measures and help control the amount that will be lost as they age.

  3. Medical Spa Laser Treatments

All of these treatments are GREAT for building collagen in the skin. Click on each link to see the descriptions of how each one works. There are lots of ways to help your body replenish the lost collagen in your skin. It's important to start on it early. Keeping up on it as you age is easier than trying to reverse decades of collagen loss.


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